Subscriptions (Advanced)
Our advanced subscriptions have more functionalities and options to set up a more complicated subscription. This way you can add multiple steps with different amounts and intervals. It is also possible to set a specific day on which we will create the recurring payment.
For example, you can have a payment of β¬5 collected every week on Monday for the first month, and then automatically transfer to a monthly direct debit of β¬15, which is created on the 12th of the month.
It is also possible to have invoices sent automatically when you have activated one of our invoicing integrations.
Mollie Subscriptions (Basic)
These are subscriptions in which Mollie ensures that a payment is automatically made every period. It is possible to set 1 amount with an interval and the number of times that must be collected in total. The number of times is optional, in order to create a continuous subscription.
For example, consider a subscription of β¬15, which is collected every month.
Automatically sending invoices via one of our invoicing integrations is not possible with these subscriptions.
Recurring orders
Through our orders you can let customers order 1 or more products/services via a payment link. Recurring products are also possible, whereby we automatically create recurring orders together with direct debit payments. More information about orders via RCUR can be found here.
Automatically sending an invoice is also possible via one of our invoicing integrations.